Send a message here if you’d like to schedule an intake session or have questions about services. I look forward to meeting you!
Yours In Music,
Kate Beever, MA, MT-BC
Portland, Maine
(207) 233-8734

Little midweek vibraphone improv for your deep breaths.

Nice memory popped up on my computer today of a long-ago gig with @foret_endormie - since then, they've put out more and more incredible music. Go buy it at @bullmoosestores when you get a chance!

Notice how this very simple melody (which you may recognize if you have a cartoon lover in your life..) engages the person in laughter but also moves them to fill in the space after each phrase with a drum beat. The magic of rhythm! (Hint: it's not magic, it's science ;)). We are working on selective and sustained attention, turn taking, and expression. The joy is a fun side effect!
#musictherapist #sessions #rhythm

Having a music group for the older siblings of our NICU babies this afternoon 🤩 thanks to Rachel, CCLS at @marchofdimes , for this fun idea! Always good to give siblings room for self-expression.
#musictherapy #musicgroups #nicufamily #mainemusic #siblingsupport

Looking forward to adding some percussion to this show at @auramaine in a few weeks. Grab your tickets while you can! Thanks @auramainemark for the idea, gonna be a fun night!
#yachtrock #portlandmaine#livemusic
#georgebenson #alanparsons #imonaboat #paulsimon #toddrundgren #eltonjohn #america #stephenbishop #steelydan #rupertholmes #christophercross #firefall

Thank you @989wclz for tickets to both Guster #ontheocean and the great Studio Z set from The Dip. A great surprise especially while my brother was visiting, fun weekend! These guys are kind humans and fantastic musicians. Go check them out at the Chicken Box or Toads this week if you're in New England.

Glad to still be buds with Slugger after all these years. Top photo is from a @lucys_love_bus event at MCCP 12 years ago! Bottom photo is today, Slugs was nice enough to come visit the kids at clinic again and played some tunes with the music therapist 😃

Just a wee jam on Sunny this morning before a client

Ive watched this many times so figured I'd share it: Jon Batiste essentially describing Environmental Music Therapy he provided to help Suleika get through treatment that became his beautiful recording "Butterfly". So inspired!
And a great reminder that music & sound have been a source of healing throughout time, not just for humans but for the environment, for nature, for all. Everyone can access this source in creative expression 🌈💝🎶#
#musictherapy #soundhealing #sloankettering #jonbatiste #thegreatteacher #thesource.#creativityn#creativeexpression #butterfly #pianist

10 years in to seeing patients at MMC and I've finally upgraded from the shopping-cart-full-of-holes to this beautiful cart! It seems like a small thing but allows me to do such better work by having all the tools with me when I go into a room. Some patients want to breathe with the sound of the ocean drum, some want to learn a song on piano, some want to record using an ipad. Thanks to the local band @nothingventured207 for raising money at their @mainecraftdistilling show and making this dream come true 💓🎶